Sunday, October 3, 2010

Keep knitting socks -- and mittens too!

First off, if you're reading this blog, it's clear that you're interested in A4A's campaigns. You should most definitely sign up to receive Ann's announcements via Yahoo -- you will not get any other mail as a result, and you'll know immediately about new campaigns and other reports. You might even win some yarn from a friendly vendor -- but in keeping with this blog's policy, I can't tell you about that here. So go to the afghans for Afghans web site and sign up at the top of the second column.

Here's some news in the meantime, though, quoted from Ann Rubin's most recent announcement:

Another 300 pairs of our wool socks were distributed to girls at a
school in Kabul. Our same Afghan hero -- who previously distributed
our socks to a shelter for women and kids -- was terrific again in
making this happen so quickly. We hope to get permission to post some
of the photos on our website. In the meantime, we know you want to
hear that the girls got their socks. We've got another set of 310
socks waiting in Kabul for distribution. We'll keep you posted as

Thank you for sending in your exquisite wool socks!

We'll keep accepting socks for the next several weeks as we await

confirmation of the next campaign, which is likely to include socks.
We're not worried about having too many socks, and we will get them to

Here are the guidelines for the socks campaign --

General guidelines and mail address are here --

Ann says that mittens to fit kids aged 7 to 13 would also be welcome. Wool, of course -- and by "mittens" we mean the kind that are closed at the top and cover the fingertips. Warmth is paramount here. 
No set due date yet, as the next campaign, in the works, will likely also have room for socks and mittens. So keep knitting, and send your socks and mittens in often -- they've been getting there fairly quickly, and winter is coming! Average temperatures in Kabul in the winter range from around 5 degrees Fahrenheit (-15 Celsius) to a high of about 40 (8 Celsius). Let's do what we can to keep those kids a little more comfortable.

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