Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Another newbie

Hi, everyone. I'm Diane and I live in Denver. I returned to knitting four years ago thanks to Afghans for Afghans.

My daughter wanted both a new skill and a service project at her high school. Kate asked me to teach her to knit so she could in turn teach her classmates. I mentored the group and assembled blankets from the mitered squares they made. Only one was sent to A4A (acrylic was banned shortly afterward) but the knitting bug bit again. I have since sent in two mohair/wool baby blankets.

I like mosaic knitting in animal fiber because it makes a nice thick fabric without being heavy. I have two or three books by Barbara Walker with great knit stitch patterns of all kinds. As soon as I figure out my new Kodak EasyShare, I'll post some pictures.



GenKnit said...
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Reed said...

Shoot. That Sue stole my words, so I'll just say welcome.


Becky said...


Welcome to the blog, where you'll find not only people who knit and/or crochet too, but even some who got into the whole knitting-for-charity thing the same way. It's amazing what our kids do for us! My daughter also wanted to learn a skill so she could help others. I taught her to crochet and then she taught me to knit (I'd learned as a 10- or 11-year-old, but hadn't done it since). As they say, "the rest is history."


Jean said...

Welcome to the group!

Jean in Maine

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