Wednesday, August 19, 2009

VK Fall 09 Article on Shawl Tea

Hi Everyone:

For some reason I picked up the Fall 2009 Vogue Knitting last night (which I have never done before - so this was very serendipitous!) and there was a lovely article on the a4A Shawl Tea. So great that a4A is getting this coverage.

This is a picture of the blanket I sent for the last campaign and didn't have the chance to show before. It's made of 4 log cabin squares sewn together with a border added to get it to the right size. This 100% wool yarn was passed on to me by my mother - a bunch of it was cream which I dyed with Kool-Aid to get the purple and green.



Judy said...

I like it!!

Cathy said...

Nice blanket! I've never been brave enough to try dying...but this looks good.

Thanks for the heads up on the VK article. I'm putting it on my list for the book store. Now I have an excuse to go!


ritikitib said...

WOW That's a really wonderful blanket! I'm particularly impressed by the Kool-Aid job!


Reed said...

Wow. That's beautiful and artistic and home dyed. What a treat.


GenKnit said...
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Bloo said...

Thanks so much, everyone! I admit I'm a little annoyed at myself that I forgot to reverse two of the log cabins, which would have given me a nice diamond pattern in the middle when I sewed the blocks together. However, that won't affect the blanket's warmth, which is the main thing.

Sue - I do enjoy the dying, and you're right, colour theory seems to go out the window when mixing colours! I haven't mastered variegated skeins yet, but I love the bright candy colours you can get from mixing the flavours. It's a very useful and simple way to dye yarn that otherwise would be too light in colour for a4A. I have another blanket for this campaign with kool-aid stripes - I'll post pics shortly.

Jean said...

Beautiful blanket! Yes, Kool-Aid dyeing is fun and a good way to use yarn that is too light-colored for the campaign. I dyed some yarn for the blanket I'm working on now that was a light lime green. I think overdyeing yarn that is already a color comes out more interesting than starting with a plain bare/white/cream yarn. It's almost like you can see layers of colors - hard to explain.

Jean in Maine

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