Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Whole Megillah,
This Week at the AFSC Basement

Gold-medal packers Lydia and Antje --

Ann and Barbara --

Kate and Candace recommend dates, the official snack food of Team afghans for Afghans --

a4A's official chocolate (when half-priced at Macy's) --

Teacher Laura from the Spring Valley Science School delivers her students' fantastic knit hats --

Meet Friends building manager Steve Leeds with Lydia, Teresa, and Mary --

Thrums to Afghanistan!

Mary, Annette, and Carol in the box avalanche on our special Saturday packing session --

Gung Hay Fat Choi!

Just wanted to let you know that our Campaign for Afghan Youth with Church World Service is proceeding very well now.


Judy said...

Starting to look really good -- hope you manage to fill all those cartons.

cti said...

that looks wonderful!

Bloo said...

So fun to see these pictures - there are some great knitted items in there. Glad to hear that the campaign is going well!

KnitnginNM said...

I love those soft dotted mittens. Glad there aren't kitties in the packing area. Lots of napping places!

Kathy said...

It's always so fun to see the goings-on at the basement. Sometday I'll get out to the Bay Area, and pitch in for a campaign.

Judy said...

I love those thrummed mittens - what I wouldn't have given for a pair growing up in Minnesota. We used to wear one pair of mittens over another -- this seems like a better solution.

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